Attract Money & Abundance Hypnosis + Subliminal Audios Bundle

Ready to manifest more money and abundance in your life, and transform your relationship with receiving money?

This hypnosis and subliminal audio bundle for attracting money and abundance will guide you to it!

These audios are designed to reprogram your brain to attract money, abundance and prosperity into your life, and make it feel totally comfortable and safe to have and receive money.

By listening to these audios regularly, you'll begin to experience a transformation in your money mindset and the way you see yourself when it comes to making money, allowing you to manifest more money and opportunities in your life.

Research has shown that to create a new habit, it’s important to practice it consistently for 21 days. If we think about creating a new habit of seeing it as possible for ourselves that we can become a money magnet, then we can create a new belief for ourselves that we can attract and have the money we desire.

If you listen to these audios consistently, at the end of 21 days, you’ll feel more abundant, have a more positive relationship with receiving money and start attracting more money into your life.

That's the power of these hypnosis audios for attracting money and wealth!



What you get in the bundle:

  • Guided hypnosis 20 minute audio designed to reprogram your beliefs about money and abundance, so that you feel confident and in full belief that you can attract and receive the money you desire.

  • 60 minute subliminal audio to bypass your conscious mind to speak directly to your unconscious mind, and program in positive beliefs and affirmations around attracting, receiving and holding money and wealth, set to soothing music.


“The shift I had after hypnosis was more emotional and energetic. I was able to truly shift my energy because it brought me clarity and shifted the mindset I had towards my current situation by connecting to my future self!” Marveliz P, Coach

“The hypnosis was so relaxing and I felt her words deeply in my soul. I am so grateful for this tool that will help support me daily and whenever I need it in the future.” Nicole G., Life Coach and Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator

“During the hypnosis, I was able to really tap into the impact I want to create and how I want to feel when I'm accomplishing my goal. After gaining clarity and vision around my goal and embodying that feeling, the self-doubt that I was having before has been replaced with excitement and alignment. I now feel like my success is inevitable.” Lauren Linsmayer, ocean science and policy professional

“The hypnosis was amazing! I felt incredibly relaxed, and loved all the affirming financial abundance. It really felt like it was landing within and I’m planning to listen to it at least once a day!! Thank you thank you thank you! I listened to it during a work break today and intend on using it as part of my nightly and morning routine.” Emma M., Priestess, Reiki Practitioner, and Spiritual Mentor


Becoming Unapologetic & Bold Hypnosis + Subliminal Audio Bundle