How I Shifted My Mindset Around My Business


How I shifted my MINDSET around my biz:

In the beginning of my beauty biz, I used to live in this scarcity cycle of feast and famine. I would take on every client that came my way for whatever rate they wanted to pay, because in my mind, I didn’t know when my next client would come along. 

And I was afraid to charge the prices I wanted to charge because I thought they might not be able to afford me and then I would have no clients.

I would end up feeling resentful of making less than I wanted to, and working more. I was starting to burn out, and not enjoy the career I had once been passionate about.

I had to shift the way I thought about charging money for my services, and knowing I would be always taken care of, and this came with changing my mindset.

So how did I shift my mindset around my biz?

I DECIDED that my work was worth the prices I wanted to charge and I would find clients who could afford my rates.

I DECIDED that I would always have clients, jobs, or money that would come in every month, even if it seemed like I had an empty schedule. 

I TRUSTED I could figure anything out, even if it seemed hard at the time.

I DECIDED taking care of myself and including pleasure in my life was a priority, and not a goal to have later.

I focused on this way of thinking, especially when my fear started to take over. The more I did it, and the more evidence that started to show up to prove that it was true, the easier it got.

Want to know more about creating the mindset you need to have a biz you love that brings you massive money? Then set up a FREE Beauty Biz Audit with me! I have a few spots left and they are going fast!l

Xo, Melissa

photo by Wendy Yalom

photo by Wendy Yalom


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