step into your next level self
Private Coaching
$1000/month or $5700 PIF
High level, transformative coaching for 6 months to help you rediscover who you are, get clear on your purpose, and healing the feelings of being not enough or too much so you can create the life you’re meant to live.
““When you’re on the precipice of a big life change, it can be terrifying. In times like these, having someone who can hold an open, non-judgmental space of deep listening, and honest reflection, is so powerful. This is Melissa. She has a way of understanding the complex challenges with making a life-changing leap, while seeing the brilliance and beauty in you, and cheerleading you along your most aligned path. I trust this woman deeply, because she’s been there, she’s skilled, and she cares.”
Hello lovely friend,
Are you tired of feeling stuck or procrastinating on taking action towards growing your business? You know what to do but you’re just not doing it because it feels overwhelming, or you’re afraid it won’t work for you, so why even try? Do you struggle with feeling like you don’t know enough, or you’re not good enough to have the success you dream of?
I know exactly how you feel, because I’ve been there!
photo by Sophia Studio
When I left my toxic career of pharmaceutical sales, things were so bad in my job that I was so determined to create a business as a makeup artist so I didn’t ever have to go back to working for someone else again.
But when I went to pivot into becoming a Life Coach, all of the sudden I became paralyzed with imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and people pleasing, and I felt like I couldn’t take action to launch this new business that my soul longed to do.
I became stuck in a cycle of procrastination that kept me either buying endless programs and courses to teach me how to build a coaching business, or signing up for business masterminds with coaches who I thought would tell me the secret to building a six figure coaching business.
Nothing felt like it was working for me, and I didn’t feel good enough to tell people I was a coach, or I was afraid of what people would say when I talked about my business or how I helped people.
My mindset was full of negative thoughts and beliefs that I didn’t know enough and needed more training or certifications, or that I wasn’t good enough to get people results.
I was afraid to be visible on social media because I thought all my old wedding industry colleagues and people from high school that I never talk to would say, who does she think she is being a Life Coach??
I kept waiting till I naturally felt more confident to help others, or had the perfect website and copy, or perfect branding photoshoot, and then I would find the success I was looking for.
It wasn’t until I realized that I would never just naturally feel confident, but would build my confidence by showing up and taking uncomfortable action to get to what I wanted. I had to heal my feelings of unworthiness and not enoughness, and embrace who I am and what my natural gifts are so I could stop the endless cycle of comparison. I had to work on my mindset every day to reprogram in new, more empowering thoughts and beliefs so that I could keep showing up and trying new things, and realizing that it was safe to be me, to push myself out of my comfort zone, and not be afraid of failure.
And once I realized all of this, things started to shift. I had to do the inner work to see the outer world reflect what I wanted.
By redesigning my mindset and reprogramming my subconscious mind to have more positive and empowering beliefs, I completely changed how I felt about myself, how I show up and the actions I take, and what I believe is possible for me.
These are some of the results that I’ve seen:
I’m so much more confident in using my voice, sharing my message, and showing up more visibly on social media and in person.
I see myself as a powerful Life Coach who has something important to say, and helps other women transform their lives.
I stopped second guessing myself and trusted that the decisions I make are the right decisions for me and what I want.
I’m more comfortable in my skin and in who I truly am.
I have more self awareness and able to coach myself through difficult things and negative feelings that come up, rather than feeling guilt or shame around what I “should’ve done or should’ve said”
I’m able to embrace my gifts and talents, and own them when I’m with others.
I’m able to tell what is my ego speaking from fear, and what is my intuition speaking from inner guidance.
I wake up feeling excited about what’s possible for me that day, and I’m a happier person.
Because of the huge transformation I’ve seen in my own life with transforming my mindset, I am so passionate about helping other women entrepreneurs (and aspiring entrepreneurs) transform their mindset to feel more confident, more empowered, and more in belief that they can create the life and business they dream of!
Unbound: Liberate Yourself from Good Girl Conditioning To Live a more authentic, aligned & confident life.
A 6 month, 1:1 Coaching journey to live a more soul aligned life.
I have struggled with good girl conditioning and people pleasing for most of life, and it's kept me in jobs that were toxic for too long, relationships that weren't fulfilling, and feeling like I wasn't smart enough or good enough to go after what I really wanted in life.
I hear from so many women, clients and friends, that they are struggling with this too. They feel guilty for wanting to put themselves first, for spending time and money on themselves to feel fulfilled, taken care of, and fucking vibrant, and they are so exhausted and burnt out from putting everyone else's needs before their own.
This program is special to me because it combines my life coach training, subconscious reprogramming training, intuitive energetic work, and divine feminine energy all in one to help you create deep, lasting shifts so much faster than just talk coaching or trying to figure it out on your own with online programs with no support or books. This program is so needed because we have been programmed since birth to be pleasing, small and not take up space or attention, shut our mouths, follow the rules, and be "good girls", and it's time for us to say, no more. It's time for us to stop settling for just ok, or what we think we deserve, and start knowing in our souls that we are worthy of having what we want, that we are powerful enough to create it, and that we deserve to show up and express ourselves are who we truly are.
This is why I created UNBOUND: Liberate Yourself From Good Girl Conditioning To Live A More Aligned, Authentic & Confident Life.
I take you on a 6 month journey to go from Good Girl and People Pleaser to Unapologetic & Aligned, living as your most authentic self with the UNBOUND Methodology.
Month 1: Clarity & Awareness Method- Unmask and discover who you TRULY are so you feel deeply connected to Self, show up with massive confidence, and feel magnetically aligned with your soul’s true essence.
Month 2: Clarifying Your Vision & Dreams Pathway- Creating the big vision for what you desire so you can become the creatrix of your life and stop making decisions based on other people’s expectations of you
Month 3: Realignment & Reprogram Process- Unearth the lies you keep telling yourself and reprogram your brain with a powerful narrative so you can embody the sovereign woman you KNOW you’re meant to be.
Month 4: Connection & Belief Creation Technique- Start to radically trust yourself, connect to your deeper intuition and develop unshakeable self belief so you can make decisions from an aligned space that support your highest evolution.
Month 5 & 6: Embodiment Blueprint: Build the habits, routines, and rituals so you can move through each day with massive purpose, joy and fulfillment
Inside the 6 month program you get:
3 weekly 60 minute 1:1 coaching calls per month (18 calls total)
Unlimited Voxer access for in between calls so you always feel supported.
Supportive tools included in your calls such as EFT, neurolinguistic programming practices, guided meditations, hypnosis and oracle card pulls.
Welcome gift to help you support you on your journey and celebrate you saying yes to yourself!
60 minute Human Design Reading, so that you can understand your unique design and how you’re meant to flow in the world to be in full alignment.
Attract Money & Abundance Hypnosis + Subliminal Bundle to help you reprogram your subconscious for attracting more money.
Investment: $5700 pay in full or $1000/month x 6 months
This program is for you if:
you have always believed you're meant for more than an ordinary life
you have big dreams and you want to get clear on your big vision, and the steps to get there.
you want to start living a life that is more fulfilling and aligned with your dreams and who you know you're meant to be
you want to stop being afraid you're not good enough, smart enough, or worthy enough to go after your big dreams, and start believing you are not only worthy of having what you want, but you're powerful enough to go after it and succeed at getting it.
you're ready to make big changes in your life, and willing to get uncomfortable to see massive growth and transformation, knowing that it's going to help you become the woman you know you're meant to be.
This program is NOT for you if:
you're not ready to make changes
you're not willing to get uncomfortable (change is uncomfortable, and this is how you grow!)
you're not willing to make time for yourself for weekly calls and aligned tasks to help you on your journey
you don't believe that coaching will work for you, and you're not willing to do the inner work.
This program is different than any others out there because of my own experience overcoming good girl conditioning, and my training with subconscious reprogramming, somatic techniques, and working with divine feminine energy. We go deep into the root cause of your good girl conditioning, and release the patterns, limiting beliefs and identities that have been keeping you playing small and "good", and reprogram in at the subconscious level the new beliefs, behaviors and identity so that you feel more peace, freedom and ease to show up as who you truly are. I use tools such as EFT, guided meditations, energy work, hypnotherapy, and oracle card readings in addition to coaching. You get to show up exactly as you are, and I hold space for you to make these transformative changes that are going to help you to create the life you desire.
I am so proud of this program, and so excited to share it with you, and be your coach and guide to releasing your good girl so you can be your fully expressed, joyful and fulfilled, true, unapologetic self.
Book a free clarity call to see if unbound is a good fit for you to create your most aligned & authentic life.
“Melissa is an absolute gem! Her intuitive life coaching supports you in remembering who you are at your core (what lights you up and what’s your purpose). If you are reading this, it’s your sign, it’s time for you to remember too! ”
I used to be stuck in my fears and doubts about if I was good enough and worthy enough to be a successful coach and now I feel so confident in who I am and what I have to say, and am in full belief that I can create whatever I want in my life and business. I also fully believe that I am worthy of having the life and business that I dream of.
I want all of this for you too!
I know what it’s like to have a big dream for what you want your life and business to look like, and feel afraid to go for it or if it’s even possible for you to have it. And that’s why I’m the perfect person to help you on this journey. I’ve been through it and came out on the other side. I’ve invested thousands of dollars on my own personal development, mentoring and coaching skills to shift my mindset and be able to help you get where you want to go. I became a certified Life & Mindset Coach to help you dive deep into your desires and gain the clarity and self confidence to create a plan to achieve your dreams.
Plus one of my natural talents is to see you as the unique and amazing woman you are, and help you see her and fall in love with her.
You are worthy of having a life that lights you up, and a business that feels so fulfilling, full of freedom, and abundance. Private coaching with me is the first step to getting you there.
“After working with you, I have moved into a dream home in a beautiful town with my partner and daughter, figured out that what I love working on and created a new package that I’m so excited about. I’ve personally benefitted from your encouragement and your grounding energy. You’ve helped me see patterns in my behavior and helped me gain better insight into myself. You are more than “just a biz coach”. You are a guide, financially and spiritually and energetically.”
“I was struggling with burnout from my job and living in survival mode. I have since left an unfulfilling job, and I attracted a great bridge job that is allowing me to heal further from burnout while I explore interests and develop my business. She’s helped me see that a life and business based on joy, fun and fulfillment are possible for me and not just other people. I have rediscovered my love of creativity and art and am making both a part of my daily life. Working with Melissa has been life changing. ”
“Melissa brings such warmth and empathy to the coaching process, it feels like a giant hug! Having a wealth of professional experience in both corporate and creative career fields Melissa is equipped to tackle just about any coaching request. Her natural curiosity empowers her clients to become curious about their own lives, and design the lifestyles they’re after. If you’re ready to step into a world of new possibilities, Melissa is your girl! ”
“I was feeling withdrawn, uninspired and unproductive, Melissa helped me to ask myself the right questions in order to uncover my deepest magic, lurking just beneath the surface, waiting to sprout. I now feel unstuck and not only fully capable but really excited to begin a new project aligned with my vision for 2023! I have the deepest love and gratitude for our time together. For anyone needing gentle yet firm guidance toward your goals, look no further than Melissa! ”
“Melissa is an amazing intuitive coach who will empower you with the necessary tools to take over your life, and create the magic you so desire. She takes her time to understand and her peaceful and welcoming energy allows you to fully express yourself . She creates an inviting space which allows you to transform into the version on you that already lives within.”
“Melissa has the amazing gift of being able to stand with me in seeing my bigger vision for my business, and her doing so reminds me that I can feel safe in it.
“Melissa helped me see my worth along with the confidence to go after what I want. I would talk myself in circles and Melissa would skillfully bring me back to what it is that I really want. I love Melissa so much and I would highly recommend her.”