50 Affirmations To Manifest Money

Are you wanting to shift your money mindset and call in more money into your life?

So many of us have money stories and beliefs that are not serving us, and that we learned from our families, our friends, our lived experiences, or from the media.

I’ve created 50 positive affirmations to help you reprogram into your subconscious more abundant and positive thoughts around money, so you can believe that you are worthy of having money call in more money into your life.

You can use these affirmations in your meditation, morning ritual, or whenever you need to move out of money scarcity and into belief that you are a money magnet!

I love money and money loves me.

I am a magnet for money.

Money flows to me freely with ease and pleasure.

It is easy for me to make money.

The more money I spend, the more money flows to me.

I am a great steward of money.

I grow wealth with ease.

I love to make money.

Money flows to me every day.

I make money in my sleep.

Money comes into my life every day.

I spend my money with intention and purpose.

It is safe to make a fuck ton of money.

It is safe for me to hold onto my money.

I love saving money.

Money multiplies in my bank accounts with ease.

I love seeing the money in my bank accounts grow.

I am good with money.

The more money I have, the more impact I can make in the world.

I have more than enough money, and it safe to have even more money.

There is always enough money in my bank accounts.

The Universe always provides more than enough money for me.

I always have exactly what I need in my bank accounts to take care of me.

I love looking at my bank accounts and seeing my money grow.

Money is magnetized to me.

I am a conduit of money.

I attract wealth with ease.

It is safe for me to have lots of money.

I am building my wealth and my legacy.

My wealth is always growing and expanding.

The more money I save, the more money flows to me.

The more money I share with others, the more money I receive.

I will always have more than enough money.

It is safe to have as much money as I want.

I am generous with my money because I know I will always have more than enough.

The more money I have, the more generous I can be.

I attract money and abundance with ease.

I am always attracting opportunities to make money.

I attract success and wealth with ease.

I welcome unlimited abundance and wealth into my life.

I receive abundance and money with ease and pleasure.

I am in harmony with abundance and money.

I am grateful for the money I have in my life, and the money that is coming to me.

I am worthy of having all the money I desire.

I am worthy of abundance and wealth.

I am worthy of having everything I want.

Money comes to me in all different ways.

I am always discovering new ways to make money.

I have the power to create all the money I want.

Money is multiplying in my bank accounts every day.

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